General Report Structure

Every report results in an Embed in Discord.

An Embed has several attributes and many of them can be set inside the report description:

  "color": "blue",
  "title": "This is the title of the Embed.",
  "description": "This is a brief description.",
  "url": "",
  "img": "",
  "input": [],
  "pagination": {},
  "elements": [],
  "footer": "This is the footer (will be added to any other footers)"

Input Section

Within the “input” section you can define variables that will be used inside the report or validate such, that came from your render(…) call.

      "name": "ruler_length",                          -- set a variable (here a reserved one, the length of the ruler)
      "value": 27                                      -- to a new value (default is 30)
      "name": "period",
      "range": ["", "day", "week", "month", "year"],   -- validate these passed parameters against a list of possible values
      "default": "day"                                 -- if no value for this variable is provided, set a default
      "sql": "SELECT ucid, name FROM players WHERE discord_id = %(discord_id)s"  -- read these parameters from the database
      "callback": "MissionFocusString"                 -- read a mission variable from DCS with this name

Pagination Section

Only needed for PaginationReports (see Report Types).

Elements Section

The “elements” section contains the real data that you want to present with your report.
You can either use pre-defined elements or write your own element by inheritance of one of the base classes provided by the framework.