SimpleRadioStandalone (DCS-SRS) is an awesome tool built by our friend CiriBob, who dedicates a lot of work and this simulated real life radio experience to DCS. Many if not every server runs an SRS server too, to let their players have a proper radio experience.
DCSServerBot integrates nicely with SRS. If you place your server.cfg in your Saved Games\DCS(..)\Config
folder (and I usually rename it to SRS.cfg
, just to avoid confusions in there), the bot can auto-start and -stop your SRS server alongside with your DCS server. It even monitors if SRS has crashed (that’s a waste of code… I literally never saw that crash) and start it again in such a case.
To enable SRS, support, you need to add the following parts to your scheduler.json:
"configs": [
"extensions": {
"SRS": {
"installation": "%ProgramFiles%\\DCS-SimpleRadio-Standalone"
"installation": "DCS.release_server",
"extensions": {
"SRS": {
"config": "%USERPROFILE%\\Saved Games\\DCS.release_server\\Config\\SRS.cfg",
"host": "", -- Optional, default is your external IP
"port": 5004, -- Optional, default is what's written in server.cfg already,
"awacs": true, -- enable AWACS mode
"blue_password": "blue", -- AWACS mode, blue password
"red_password": "red", -- AWACS mode, red password
"autostart": true -- can be false to disable autostart of SRS (default = true)
You need one entry in the default section, pointing to your DCS-SRS installation and one in every server section, where you want to use SRS with. The next time the scheduler starts your server, it will auto-launch SRS and take care of it.
Optional parameters (will change server.cfg
if necessary):
Parameter | Description |
host | The hostname or IP to be used in your DCS-SRS-AutoConnectGameGUI.lua . The bot will replace it in there. |
port | SRS port |
awacs | AWACS mode |
blue_password | AWACS mode, password blue. |
red_password | AWACS mode, password red. |