Plugin “MissionStats”

When enabled, this plugin will generate a persistent mission statistics, embeds to be displayed in the status channels and detailed statistics from the in-game event system. The global DCSServerBot.lua and a plugin specific mission.lua will automatically be loaded into any mission running on that specific server.


Mission statistics can be enabled or disabled in dcsserverbot.ini section server configuration (see Server Specific Sections). Missionstats needs the Userstats plugin to be loaded first.

How to disable Missionstats inside of missions

To disable mission statistics for a specific mission, you can use the following piece of code somewhere in your mission (not in an on-startup trigger, but shortly after).


Discord Commands

These commands need MISSION_STATISTICS=true in the server you want to run the commands on!

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.missionstats   status-/chat-/admin-channel DCS Display the current mission situation for red and blue and the achievments in kills and captures.
.sorties [@member / Player Name] [period] all DCS Display the number of sorties and real flight time per module / period.
.modulestats / .modstats [@member / Player Name] [period] all DCS Display module and weapon statistics per module.
.refuelings / .refuel [@member / Player Name] [period] all DCS Display refuelings per module.

“period” can either be a period [day, week, month, year] or a campaign name!

Database Tables