
The bot configuration is held in config/dcsserverbot.ini. See sample\dcsserverbot.ini for an example.
If you run the install.py script for the first time, it will generate a basic file for you that you can amend to your needs afterwards.

For some configurations, default values are set in the file config/default.ini.

Do not change config/default.ini!
And just overwrite settings within config/dcsserverbot.ini, if you want to have different value!

The following parameters can be used to configure the bot:

Section [BOT]

Parameter Description
OWNER The Discord ID of the bots owner (that’s you!).
If you don’t know your ID, go to your Discord profile, make sure “Developer Mode” is enabled under “Advanced”, go to “My Account”, press the “…” besides your profile picture and select “Copy ID”
TOKEN The token to be used to run the bot.
Can be obtained at http://discord.com/developers.
PUBLIC_IP (Optional) Your public IP, if you have a dedicated one, otherwise the bot will determine your current one.
DATABASE_URL URL to the PostgreSQL database used to store our data.
If login fails, check password for any special character!
USE_DASHBOARD Whether to use the fancy cmd dashboard or not (for performance reasons over slow RDP connections). Default is true.
COMMAND_PREFIX The prefix to be used by Discord commands. Default is ‘.’
CHAT_COMMAND_PREFIX The prefix to be used by in-game-chat commands. Default is ‘-‘
HOST IP the bot listens on for messages from DCS.
Default is, to only accept internal communication on that machine.
PORT UDP port, the bot listens on for messages from DCS.
Default is 10081. Don’t expose this port to the outside world!
MASTER If true, start the bot in master-mode (default for one-bot-installations). If only one bot is running, then there is only a master.\nIf you have to use more than one bot installation, for multiple DCS servers that are spanned over several locations, you have to install one agent (MASTER = false) at every other location. All DCS servers of that location will then automatically register with that agent.
MASTER_ONLY True, if this is a master-only installation, set to false otherwise.
SLOW_SYSTEM If true, some timeouts are increased to allow slower systems to catch up.
Default is false.
PLUGINS List of plugins to be loaded (you usually don’t want to touch this).
OPT_PLUGINS List of optional plugins to be loaded. Here you can add your plugins that you want to use and that are not loaded by default.
AUTOUPDATE If true, the bot auto-updates itself with the latest release on startup.
AUTOBAN If true, members leaving the discord will be automatically banned (default = false).
MESSAGE_BAN Ban-message to be displayed on DCS join, when people are auto-banned on DCS due to a Discord ban.
WIPE_STATS_ON_LEAVE If true, stats will be wiped whenever someone leaves your discord (default = true).
AUTOMATCH If false, users have to match themselves using the .linkme command.
DISCORD_STATUS (Optional) status to be displayed below the bots avatar in Discord.
GREETING_DM A greeting message, that people will receive as a DM in Discord, if they join your guild.
MESSAGE_TIMEOUT General timeout for popup messages (default 10 seconds).
MESSAGE_AUTODELETE Delete messages after a specific amount of seconds. This is true for all statistics embeds, LSO analysis, greenieboard, but no usual user commands.
DESANITIZE Whether to desanitize MissionScriping.lua or not (default = yes).
AUDIT_CHANNEL (Optional) The ID of an audit channel where audit events will be logged into.
For security reasons, it is recommended that no users can delete messages in this channel.

Section [LOGGING]

Parameter Description
LOGLEVEL The level of logging that is written into the logfile.
LOGROTATE_COUNT Number of logfiles to keep (default: 5).
LOGROTATE_SIZE Number of bytes until which a logfile is rotated (default: 10 MB).

Section [DB]

Parameter Description
MASTER_POOL_MIN Minimum number of database connections in the pool (on MASTER).
MASTER_POOL_MAX Maximum number of database connections in the pool (on MASTER).
AGENT_POOL_MIN Minimum number of database connections in the pool (on AGENT).
AGENT_POOL_MAX Maximum number of database connections in the pool (on AGENT).

Section [ROLES]

Parameter Description
Admin The name of the admin role in you Discord.
DCS Admin The name of the role you’d like to give admin rights on your DCS servers (Moderator for instance).
DCS The role of users being able to see their statistics and mission information (usually the general user role in your Discord).
GameMaster Members of this role can run commands that affect the mission behaviour or handle coalition specific details.

Section [FILTER] (Optional)

Parameter Description
TAG_FILTER Many groups have their own tag, that might make it difficult for the bot to match usernames. The usual tags like [Tag], =Tag= or similar ones, are supported already. If you see matching issues, you might want to try this one.
SERVER_FILTER Filter to shorten server names (if needed)
MISSION_FILTER Filter to shorten mission names (if needed)
EVENT_FILTER Filter events from the missionstats plugin (optional).
See DCS_singleton for a complete list of events.

Section [REPORTS] (Optional)

Parameter Description
NUM_WORKERS Number of threads that render a graph.
CKJ_FONT One of TC, JP or KR to support Traditional Chinese, Japanese or Korean characters in reports.

Section [DCS Section]

Parameter Description
DCS_INSTALLATION The installation directory of DCS World.
AUTOUPDATE If true, your DCS server will be kept up-to-date automatically by the bot (default=false).
GREETING_MESSAGE_MEMBERS A greeting message, that people will receive in DCS chat, if they get recognized by the bot as a member of your discord.
GREETING_MESSAGE_UNMATCHED A greeting message, that people will receive in DCS chat, if they are unmatched.
SERVER_USER The username to display as user no. 1 in the server (aka “Observer”)
MAX_HUNG_MINUTES The maximum amount in minutes the server is allowed to not respond to the bot until considered dead (default = 3). Set it to 0 to disable it.
MESSAGE_PLAYER_USERNAME Message that a user gets when using line-feeds or carriage-returns in their names.
MESSAGE_PLAYER_DEFAULT_USERNAME Message that a user gets when being rejected because of a default player name (Player, Spieler, etc.).
MESSAGE_BAN Message a banned user gets when being rejected.
MESSAGE_AFK Message for players that got kicked because of being AFK.
MESSAGE_SLOT_SPAMMING Message for players that got kicked because of slot spamming.
MESSAGE_SERVER_FULL Message for players that can’t join because the server is full and available slots are reserverd for VIPs.

Server Specific Sections

This section has to be named exactly like your Saved Games\<instance> directory. Usual names are DCS or DCS.release_server. If your directory is named DCS instead (stable version), just add these fields to the DCS category above.

Parameter Description
DCS_HOST The internal (!) IP of the machine, DCS is running onto. If the DCS server is running on the same machine as the bot (default), this should be
DCS_PORT Must be a unique value > 1024 of an unused port in your system. This is NOT the DCS tcp/udp port (10308), that is used by DCS but a unique different one. Keep the default, if unsure.
DCS_HOME The main configuration directory of your DCS server installation (for Hook installation). Keep it empty, if you like to place the Hook by yourself.
EVENTS_CHANNEL The ID of the channel where in-game events should be shown. If not specified, the CHAT_CHANNEL will be used instead. If set to -1, events will be disabled.
CHAT_CHANNEL The ID of the in-game chat channel to be used for the specific DCS server. Must be unique for every DCS server instance configured. If “-1”, no chat messages will be generated.
STATUS_CHANNEL The ID of the status-display channel to be used for the specific DCS server. Must be unique for every DCS server instance configured.
ADMIN_CHANNEL The ID of the admin-commands channel to be used for the specific DCS server. Must be unique for every DCS server instance configured.
AUTOSCAN Scan for missions in Saved Games..\Missions and auto-add them to the mission list (default = false).
AFK_TIME Number of seconds a player is considered AFK when being on spectators for longer than AFK_TIME seconds. Default is -1 (disabled).
CHAT_LOG true (default), log all chat messages from players in Saved Games<installation>\Logs\chat.log
CHAT_LOGROTATE_COUNT Number of chat-logs to keep (default = 10).
CHAT_LOGROTATE_SIZE Max size of a chat.log until it gets rotated (default 1 MB).
MISSIONS_DIR (Optional) If you want to use a central missions directory for multiple servers, you can set it in here.
PING_ADMIN_ON_CRASH Define if the role DCS Admin should be pinged when a server crash is being detected (default = true).
START_MINIMIZED DCS will start minimized as default. You can disabled that by setting this value to false.
STATISTICS If false, no statistics will be generated for this server. Default is true (see Userstats).
MISSION_STATISTICS If true, mission statistics will be generated for all missions loaded in this server (see Missionstats).
DISPLAY_MISSION_STATISTICS If true, the persistent mission stats embed is displayed in the servers stats channel (default = true).
PERSIST_MISSION_STATISTICS If true, player data is exported in the missionstats table (default = true).
PERSIST_AI_STATISTICS If true, AI data is exported, too (only player data otherwise), default = false.
COALITIONS Enable coalition handling (see Coalitions), default = false.
ALLOW_PLAYERS_POOL Only for Coalitions
COALITION_LOCK_TIME The time you are not allowed to change coalitions in the format “nn days” or “nn hours”. Default is 1 day.
Coalition Red Members of this role are part of the red coalition (see Coalitions).
Coalition Blue Members of this role are part of the blue coalition (see Coalitions).
COALITION_BLUE_EVENTS Coalition events channel for blue coalition (optional, see Coalitions).
COALITION_BLUE_CHANNEL Coalition chat channel for blue coalition (optional, see Coalitions).
COALITION_RED_EVENTS Coalition events channel for red coalition (optional, see Coalitions).
COALITION_RED_CHANNEL Coalition chat channel for red coalition (optional, see Coalitions).