
All tables will be documented here.

  1. BANS


Plugin: Admin

Column Type Description
#ucid TEXT NOT NULL Unique ID of this player. FK to the players table.
banned_by TEXT NOT NULL User name that banned or DCSServerBot for auto bans.
reason TEXT Reason for the ban.
banned_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() When was that user banned.
banned_until TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT TO_DATE(‘99991231’,’YYYYMMDD’) Until when is that user banned.


Plugin: GameMaster

Column Type Description
#id SERIAL Auto-incrementing unique ID of this campaign.
name TEXT NOT NULL The campaign name.
description TEXT A brief description about the campaign.
server_name TEXT NOT NULL The server name the campaign is valid for.
start TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW() The start-time of the campaign (default = now).
stop TIMESTAMP When will the campaign stop.


Plugin: GameMaster

Column Type Description
#server_name TEXT NOT NULL The respective server name.
#player_ucid TEXT NOT NULL The players UCID.
coalition TEXT “red”, “blue” or empty.
coalition_leave TIMESTAMP Time when the last coalition was left.


Plugin: CreditSystem

Column Type Description
#campaign_id SERIAL ID of this campaign.
#player_ucid TEXT NOT NULL The UCID of the player
points INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The earned credits of this player


Plugin: Mission

Column Type Description
#id SERIAL Auto-incrementing unique mission ID.
server_name TEXT NOT NULL The name of the DCS server this mission was on.
mission_name TEXT NOT NULL The name of the mission.
mission_theatre TEXT NOT NULL The map being used by the mission.
mission_start TIMESTAMP NOT NULL When was this mission started.
mission_end TIMESTAMP When was this mission stopped.


Plugin: MissionStats

Column Type Description
#id SERIAL Auto-incrementing unique ID of this column.
mission_id INTEGER NOT NULL Unique ID of this mission. FK to the missions table.
event TEXT NOT NULL In-game event (see list below).
init_id TEXT Initiator ID, ucid of the player or -1 for AI.
init_side TEXT Initiator coalition, 0 = Neutral, 1 = Red, 2 = Blue
init_type TEXT Initiator unit type, like “FA-18c_Hornet”
init_cat TEXT Initiator unit category like Airplanes, Helicopters, Ships, Ground Units
target_id TEXT Target ID, ucid of the player or -1 for AI.
target_side TEXT Target coalition, 0 = Neutral, 1 = Red, 2 = Blue
target_type TEXT Target unit type, like “FA-18c_Hornet”
target_cat TEXT Target category like Airplanes, Helicopters, Ships, Ground Units, Structure or Unknown
weapon TEXT Name of the weapon. Gun if empty.
place TEXT Airfield for t/o and landing events.
comment TEXT Comment for LSO ratings, BDA, etc.
time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() Time of the event in local time.


Plugin: [Music]

Column Type Description
sink_type TEXT sink type, currently SRSSink only.
server_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘ALL’ server name, the config is valid for.
param TEXT NOT NULL config parameter
value TEXT config value


Plugin: [Music]

Column Type Description
name TEXT The playlists name.
song_id NUMBER id of the song (for ordering)
song_file TEXT filepath to the song


Plugin: Mission

Column Type Description
#ucid TEXT Unique ID of this user (DCS ID).
discord_id BIGINT Discord ID of this user (if matched) or -1 otherwise.
name TEXT Last used DCS in-game-name of this user.
ipaddr TEXT Last used IP-address of this user.
coalition TEXT The coalition the user belongs to.
coalition_leave TIMESTAMP The time that user last left their coalition.
manual BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE True if this user was manually matched, FALSE otherwise.
last_seen TIMESTAMP Time the user was last seen on the DCS servers.


Plugin: Mission

This table keeps a history of all changes to the main player table.

Column Type Description
#id NUMBER Unique ID (sequence)
ucid TEXT Unique ID of this user (DCS ID).
discord_id BIGINT Discord ID of this user (if matched) or -1 otherwise.
name TEXT Last used DCS in-game-name of this user.
ipaddr TEXT Last used IP-address of this user.
coalition TEXT The coalition the user belongs to.
manual BOOLEAN True if this user was manually matched, FALSE otherwise.
time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW() Time of the change.


Plugin: Punishment

Column Type Description
#id SERIAL Auto-incrementing unique ID of this column.
init_id TEXT NOT NULL The initiators UCID.
target_id TEXT The victims UCID or -1 if AI.
server_name TEXT NOT NULL The server name the event happened.
event TEXT NOT NULL The event that happened according to the configuration (see above).
points DECIMAL NOT NULL The points for this event (changes during decay runs).
time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() The time the event occurred.
decay_run INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 The decay runs that were processed on this line already.


Plugin: ServerStats

Column Type Description
#id SERIAL Auto-incrementing unique ID of this column.
agent_host TEXT NOT NULL Hostname the bot runs on.
server_name TEXT NOT NULL Server name of this event.
mission_id INTEGER NOT NULL The ID of the running mission.
users INTEGER NOT NULL Number of active users at that point in time.
status TEXT NOT NULL Status of the server (PAUSED, RUNNING, etc.)
cpu NUMERIC(5,2) NOT NULL CPU load of the dcs.exe process
mem_total NUMERIC NOT NULL total memory consumption of the dcs.exe process
mem_ram NUMERIC NOT NULL part of memory being in RAM
read_bytes NUMERIC NOT NULL number of bytes read from disk per minute
write_bytes NUMERIC NOT NULL number of bytes written to disk per minute
bytes_sent NUMERIC NOT NULL number of bytes sent over the network per minute
bytes_recv NUMERIC NOT NULL number of bytes received over the network per minute
fps NUMERIC(5,2) NOT NULL current “FPS” at that point in time
time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() time of measurement


Plugin: UserStats

Column Type Description
#mission_id INTEGER NOT NULL Unique ID of this mission. FK to the missions table.
#player_ucid TEXT NOT NULL Unique ID of this player. FK to the players table.
#slot TEXT NOT NULL Unit type of this slot. Slots that end with “(Crew)” are sub slots in multicrew units.
side INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Side: 0 = Spectator, 1 = Red, 2 = Blue
kills INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Total number of kills. Teamkills or selfkills are not counted.
pvp INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Number of pvp-only kills. A pvp kill is a human player kill of another coalition.
ejections INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased when you eject. Will not be counted for multicrew atm, as there is a bug in DCS.
crashes INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased when your plane crashes.
teamkills INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Number of FF incidents, either against players or AI.
kills_planes INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased on every kill of unit-type Airplane.
kills_helicopters INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased on every kill of unit-type Helicopter.
kills_ships INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased on every kill of unit-type Ship.
kills_sams INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased on every kill of unit-type Air Defence.
kills_ground INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased on every kill of unit-type Ground Unit.
deaths INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased when the pilot dies. If you manage to eject and land safely, no death is counted.
Teamkills don’t count deaths.
deaths_pvp INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased, when you die in a PVP fight (no FF).
deaths_planes INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased, when you got killed by a plane.
deaths_helicopters INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased, when you got killed by a helicopter.
deaths_shops INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased, when you got killed by a ship.
deaths_sams INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased, when you got killed by AA.
death_ground INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Increased, when you got killed by a ground unit.
takeoffs INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Number of takeoffs. Subsequent takeoffs inbetween one minute are counted as one takeoff (workaround DCS bug).
landings INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Number of landings. Subsequent landings inbetween one minute are counted as one landing (workaround DCS bug).
#hop_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Time the player occupied this unit.
hop_off TIMESTAMP Time, the player left this unit or the server.


Plugin: Battleground

Column Type Description
#id INTEGER NOT NULL Auto-increment ID.
type TEXT NOT NULL Type of geometry to be displayed in DCSBattleground
name TEXT Name of geometry, if null the ID is used in DCSBattlegound
posmgrs TEXT Coordinates, the screenshots should appear on in MGRS format.
screenshot TEXT[] List of screenshots
side TEXT NOT NULL Coalition side the screenshot should be displayed to.
server TEXT NOT NULL server_name of the server the screenshots should be published to.
position NUMERIC Used by DCSBattlegound to store markpoints
points NUMERIC Used by DCSBattlegound to store zones and waypoints
center NUMERIC Used by DCSBattlegound to store circles
radius NUMERIC Used by DCSBattlegound to store circles
discordname TEXT NOT NULL Discord user that added the screenshots or draw in DCSBattleground
avatar TEXT NOT NULL Discord avatar of the user that added the screenshots or draw in DCSBattleground.