Write your own plugin
In case you want to write your own plugin, there is a sample in the plugins/samples subdirectory, that will guide you through the steps. If you want your plugin to be added to the distribution, just contact me via the contact details below.
Plugin Structure
|_ db
|_ tables.sql => DDLs for plugin-specific tables
|_ update_v1.0.sql => Update script, only needed if database changes have to be made
|_ lua
|_ commands.lua => Commands to be provided in the Hook environment
|_ callbacks.lua => Usual Hook callbacks for DCS (aka onXXX())
|_ mission.lua => lua file to be loaded inside the mission (no auto loading!)
|_ reports => Reports used by the plugin (see ReportFramwork below)
__init__.py => Package definition (see below)
commands.py => Contains all Discord commands
listener.py => Event listener for DCS events
version.py => Holds the plugins version
README.md => Each plugin should have a documentation
Each plugin can use a json file to keep its config parameters. There json files are stored in ./config, and it is a good habit to provide a sample for it. As each plugin might need a different configuration for each server and maybe some default configuration, the layout of the config files is as follows:
"configs": [
"name": "I am the default section"
"installation": "DCS.release_server",
"name": "I am a server specific section"
To access the configuration, you can use
config: dict = self.get_config(server)
in your Plugin implementation or
config: dict = self.plugin.get_config(server)
in your EventListener implementation.
The default configuration will be merged with the respective server specific configuration, giving the server specific configuration the priority over the default. If you don’t want it like that, you need to overwrite the
method in your own plugin configuration (see Punishment).
When implementing a plugin, there are some python classes that you need to know.
Class: Plugin
Base class for all plugins. Needs to be implemented inside the commands.py file (see below).
You have access to the following class variables:
- self.plugin_name: Plugin name (“sample”)
- self.plugin_version: Plugin version (“1.0”)
- self.bot: Main DCSServerBot instance
- self.log: Logging
- self.pool: Database pool
- self.loop: asyncio event loop
- self.locals: dict from config.json
- self.eventlistener: the EventListener instance bound to this plugin (optional)
from core import Plugin
class Sample(Plugin):
def __init__(self, bot: DCSServerBot, eventlistener: Type[TEventListener] = None):
super().__init__(bot, eventlistener)
# do something when the plugin is initialized
async def cog_load(self) -> None:
await super().cog_load()
# do something (asynchronous) when the plugin is loaded
async def cog_unload(self):
await super().cog_unload()
# do something when the plugin is unloaded
async def install(self):
await super().install()
# do something when the plugin is installed for the first (!) time
def migrate(self, version: str) -> None:
# do something when the plugin is migrated (see below)
async def before_dcs_update(self) -> None:
# do something before a DCS upgrade takes place
async def after_dcs_update(self) -> None:
# do something after a DCS upgrade took place and before the servers are started
async def prune(self, conn, *, days: int = 0, ucids: list[str] = None) -> None:
# cleanup (the database) with data older than days and/or for specific users (ucids)
def rename(self, old_name: str, new_name: str) -> None:
# called when a server rename took place and to be used to update your database tables accordingly
None of these methods needs to be overloaded for a plugin to work.
Class: EventListener
You have access to the following class variables:
- self.plugin: the Plugin implementation bound to this EventListener
- self.plugin_name: name of the plugin
- self.bot: Main DCSServerBot instance
- self.log: Logging
- self.pool: Database pool
- self.loop: asyncio event loop
- self.locals: dict from config.json
from core import EventListener, Server, Plugin, Player, event, chat_command
class SampleEventListener(EventListener):
def __init__(self, plugin: Plugin):
# do something when the listener is initialized
async def shutdown(self):
await super().shutdown()
# do something when the plugin is shut down
async def registerDCSServer(self, server: Server, data: dict) -> None:
# called, when a DCS server is found and initialized
# dict contains a dictionary with a lot of server information, like name, mission, active players,
# weather and whatnot.
# The following callbacks are derived from the Hooks environment.
# No "name" parameter means the event name is the method name.
async def onMissionLoadBegin(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onMissionLoadEnd(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onSimulationStart(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onSimulationStop(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onSimulationPause(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onSimulationResume(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onPlayerConnect(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onPlayerStart(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onPlayerStop(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onPlayerChangeSlot(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onGameEvent(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def onChatMessage(self, data: dict) -> None:
async def myCustomCommand(self, server: Server, data: dict) -> None:
# any custom command, which can be sent from the lua environment by using
# local msg = {}
# msg.command = 'myCustomCommand'
# msg.param = { ... } -- all that goes into the dict
# dcsbot.sendBotTable(msg)
@chat_command(name="atis", usage="<airport>", help="ATIS information")
async def atis(self, server: Server, player: Player, params: list[str]) -> None:
# can be used by everyone
@chat_command(name="restart", usage="[time]", help="Restart the server in [time] seconds", roles=["DCS Admin"])
async def restart(self, server: Server, player: Player, params: list[str]) -> None:
# can be used by DCS Admin only
Main Files
This is the entry point for any Discord command. For how to handle Discord commands, see discord.py.
import discord
from core import Plugin, utils, Server, Status
from discord import app_commands
from services import DCSServerBot
from .listener import SampleEventListener
class Sample(Plugin):
async def sample(self, interaction: discord.Interaction,
server: app_commands.Transform[Server, utils.ServerTransformer(status=[Status.RUNNING, Status.PAUSED, Status.STOPPED])], text: str):
await interaction.response.send_message(f'Server {server.name} is {server.status.name}!')
async def setup(bot: DCSServerBot):
await bot.add_cog(Sample(bot, SampleEventListener))
You don’t necessarily need to implement the MASTER / AGENT construct, if you only have commands that are to be run on agents.
This is just the implementation of the EventListener class (see above).
Every plugin can have their own DCS World hook, that will be automatically added to the Scripts\Hooks environment. To achieve this, you just need to place a file named callbacks.lua in your lua directory.
local dcsbot = base.dcsbot
local myplugin = myplugin or {}
If you want to dynamically load some lua into your mission, you do this in your onMissionLoadEnd hook.
Best is to load a file name mission.lua, to have some kind of naming standard, but you can name it
as you like.
The base commands of DCSServerBot are loaded into the mission environment by the bot already, so you have
some commands available that you can use (see mission.lua).
function myplugin.onMissionLoadEnd()
log.write('DCSServerBot', log.DEBUG, 'MyPlugin: onMissionLoadEnd()')
net.dostring_in('mission', 'a_do_script("dofile(\\"' .. lfs.writedir():gsub('\\', '/') .. 'Scripts/net/DCSServerBot/myplugin/mission.lua' .. '\\")")')
function myplugin.onPlayerConnect(id)
local msg = {}
msg.command = 'myCustomCommand'
msg.id = id
If you want to send a command by the bot into the DCS Hooks environment, you implement the command in here. So if you for instance run .pause in Discord, this will result in a JSON message with “command”: “pauseMission” to DCS and call a function pauseMission() that is implemented in some commands.lua in one of the bots plugins.
local base = _G
local dcsbot = base.dcsbot
function dcsbot.pauseMission(json)
log.write('DCSServerBot', log.DEBUG, 'Mission: pauseMission()')
This is a special file and does not necessarily need to be named like this. But I would still recommend it, as you then know which of the lua files will be loaded into the mission environment (if you do so in your onMissionLoadEnd (see above)). The following commands can be used in the mission environment (ME):
function sendBotMessage(msg, channel) end
function sendBotTable(tbl, channel) end
function sendEmbed(title, description, img, fields, footer, channel) end
function updateEmbed(id, title, description, img, fields, footer, channel) end
function callback(msg, channel) end
function startMission(id) end
function restartMission() end
function disableUserStats() end
Data Classes
To ease the access to server, player and mission information and to run usual commands, DCSServerBot provides classes to do so.
See server.py
. You have usually two options to retrieve the running server instance:
a) Plugin
In your plugins, you usually want to run a Discord command that sends information to a specific server. To get a server or player instance, you can use the existing transformers of the core framework:
import discord
from core import utils, Server, Status, Player
from discord import app_commands
@app_commands.command(description='This is a sample command.')
async def sample(self, interaction: discord.Interaction,
server: app_commands.Transform[Server, utils.ServerTransformer(status=[Status.RUNNING])],
player: app_commands.Transform[Player, utils.PlayerTransformer(active=True)]):
player.sendPopupMessage("Hello World!")
b) EventListener
In your EventListener, you receive commands from a DCS server, so you get the server already in your method calls:
async def onChatMessage(self, server: Server, data: dict) -> None:
The running mission (mission.py
) can be accessed through the Server instance like so:
mission: Mission = server.current_mission
There are several ways to access a player (player.py
- by their UCID
- by their Discord ID (if they are a Discord member and properly mapped)
- by their in-game ID (1, 2, 3, …)
- by their in-game name (which is fortunately unique per session)
This can be achieved by asking your server about the player and providing the relevant parameter to the get_player()
async def onChatMessage(self, server: Server, data: dict) -> None:
player: Player = server.get_player(id=data['from_id'])
As DCSServerBot stores a link between DCS players and Discord members, you surely can access the discord member information, too:
async def onChatCommand(self, server: Server, data: dict) -> None:
player: Player = server.get_player(id=data['from_id'])
if player.member:
self.log.info(f"Player {player.name} is member {player.member.display_name}!")
See Report Framework.
Every plugin has its own version. Versioning starts with a file named version.py like so:
__version__ = "1.0"
You only want to change the plugins version, if a change to the underlying database has taken place or if some other migration is needed. You can express major changes by version number changes, too, but this is not a must.
Database Handling
DCSServerBot uses a PostgreSQL database to hold all tables, stored procedures and whatnot. Every plugin can create its own database elements. To do so, you need to add the DDL, line by line in a file named tables.sql below the optional “db” directory.
To access the database, you should use the database pool that is available in every common framework class:
with self.pool.connection() as conn:
with conn.transaction():
conn.execute('INSERT INTO bans (ucid, banned_by, reason) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING',
(player.ucid, self.plugin_name, reason))
DCSServerBot was invented to ease the life of DCS server admins. That said, you should take care of your fellow admins and create code that migrates database tables / entries or any config file that needs to be amended automatically. There are lots of little helpers in the DCSServerBot framework to do so.
Whenever a version of a plugin changes (version.py), DCSServerBot runs several update mechanisms, that you can implement if necessary:
Database Table Migration
Just implement a script named “update_vX.Y.sql”, where X.Y is there version where you want to migrate FROM. To migrate the database from plugin version 1.0 to 1.1, you need to implement a script named update_v1.0.sql.
Any Other Migration
Each Plugin can implement the method
def migrate(self, version: str) -> None:
that will take care of anything that needs to be done when migrating TO version version.