Plugin “Battlegound”

The Battleground plugin adds commands for the DCSBattleground tool.</br> The plugin use the coalition feature for communication with the database so you need to set the “COALITION_BLUE_CHANNEL” and “COALITION_RED_CHANNEL” for your servers in dcsserverbot.ini

DCSBattlegound’s configuration

DCSBattleground is a sneaker’s fork created by Frigondin, you can find all information about it here.</br> You can find a wiki with some examples and an introduction to the tool here.</br>

An extension for DCSBattleground will be created at a later stage, so it can’t be auto-started by DCSServerBot for now.

Discord Commands

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
/battleground recon <name> <mgrs> Attachment: screenshots coalition chat channels DCS Add recon data with screenshots to DCSBattleground. Coordinates needs to be in MGRS-format and screeshots in JPEG, GIF or PNG.

Database Tables