Plugin “Admin”

This plugin supports administrative commands that are needed to operate a DCS server remotely.


You can specify, which folders / patterns you want to offer your admins to download from your server via the /download command. There is a default list being loaded, if no list is provided.

DEFAULT:  # The DEFAULT section is valid for all your servers
  # we only have a download section atm
  # that's for your DCS logs. It should work for all your servers.
  - label: DCS Logs
    directory: '%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\{}\logs'
    pattern: 'dcs*.log'
  # That is for the DCSSB logs. Should work for all your servers.
  - label: DCSServerBot Logs
    directory: logs
    pattern: 'dcssb-*.log*'
  # This is for your missions. If you use a central mission directory, you might want to amend that.
  - label: Missions
    directory: '%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\{}\Missions'
    pattern: '*.miz'
  # This is for Tacview. If you use an instance-specific tacview directory, this needs to be changed.
  # Player-specific files aren't supported yet for download. See auto-upload to channels in the Tacview-extension.
  - label: Tacview
    directory: '%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Tacview'
    pattern: 'Tacview-*.acmi'
    target: <id:1122334455667788> # tacview files will be uploaded in this channel instead
  # If you decided to use dedicated chat logs per server (default), this is where you can find them.
  - label: Chat Logs
    directory: logs
    pattern: '{}-chat.*log*'
  # The main configuration files of DCSSB. You can upload changed configurations again to your admin channels.
  - label: Main Config Files
    directory: .\config
    pattern: '*.yaml'
    discord:      # only Admin users can download these config files
      - Admin
    audit: true   # each download is audited
  # All configuration files of your plugins. You can upload changed configurations again to your admin channels.
  - label: Plugin Config Files
    directory: .\config\plugins
    pattern: '*.yaml'
  # The service configuration files of DCSSB. You can upload changed configurations again to your admin channels.
  # Be aware, the bot.yaml contains your Discord TOKEN in a readable format.
  - label: Service Config Files
    directory: .\config\services
    pattern: '*.yaml'
    discord:      # only Admin users can download these config files
      - Admin
    audit: true   # each download is audited

When using the /download command, you can select which “label” you want to download.
If “target” is not provided, the file will be sent as a DM. If sending as a DM exceeds the limits of 25 MB, it tries to download to the current channel. Discord limits may apply.</br> “target” can be anything from a file path to a channel (see example above).

Discord Commands

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
/dcs ban user all DCS Admin Bans a specific player from your DCS servers. You get a selection of all users and need to provide a reason and the time for the ban afterwards.
/dcs unban user all DCS Admin Unbans a specific player that is banned atm.
/dcs bans user all DCS Admin Gets detailed information about a specific ban.
/dcs watch user all DCS Admin Puts a player on the watchlist. Everytime they join, it will be reported to DCS Admin.
/dcs unwatch user all DCS Admin Removes a user from the watchlist.
/dcs watchlist   all DCS Admin Shows the watchlist.
/dcs update node [warn time] all DCS Admin Updates DCS World to the latest available version.
/dcs install node module all Admin Installs a missing module into your DCS server (usually maps).
/dcs uninstall node module all Admin Uninstalls a module from your DCS server (usually maps).
/node list   all DCS Admin Shows an information about all configured nodes (multi-node installations only).
/node shutdown [node] all Admin Terminates the specified node (or all nodes).
/node restart [node] all Admin Restarts the specified node (or all nodes).
/node upgrade [node] all Admin Upgrades and restarts the specified node (or all nodes).
/node offline node all Admin Shuts down all servers on a specific node and puts them in maintenance mode.
/node online node all Admin Clears the maintenance mode on a specific node and starts all servers.
/node add_instance [template] admin-channel Admin Adds another instance to your node. You can either add an existing one or you create a new one by specifying a an existing one as a template.
/download   admin-channel DCS Admin Download a dcs.log, dcssb-*.log, bot config file, missions and more (see above) into a DM, path or configured channel.
/prune   all Admin Runs a cleanup on the DCSServerBot database. You can specify which data should be deleted.
/reload plugin all Admin Reloads a DCSServerBot plugin.

Config File Uploads

Every config file that either the bot uses for itself (main.yaml, etc.) or the different plugins use (<plugin>.yaml) can be uploaded in the admin channels by a user belonging to the Admin group. The files will be replaced, the dedicated plugin will be reloaded or the bot will be restarted (security question applies), if you update the main config files.

All changes will happen on the node that is controlling the server of that specific admin channel!
If you use a central cloud folder for your configuration, it will be replaced on this one.

Database Tables