Report Framework
One of the main goals of DCSServerBot is gathering data of your DCS World servers and display them in a useful format.
To achieve this, DCSServerBot already comes with some built-in reports. Many plugins display simple to complex data, which I thought, might be of interest.
To allow you to change the look and feel of existing reports and to make it easier to build your own, I’ve developed a JSON-based reporting framework. Here you’ll find the main features and elements of this framework.
You usually work with variables that you pass to the corresponding render()
call or that you define in the "input"
section. These can be dictionaries like server- or player-data or just single values like server_name. To use them in your reports, expect all strings to be f-string capable:
"title": "Report for Server {server_name}",
"description": "Player {player[name]} is causing trouble."
Be aware that player['name']
is written as player[name]
in the reports!