
  1. General Administrative Commands
  2. Plugin Admin
  3. Plugin Cloud
  4. Plugin CreditSystem
  5. Plugin DBExporter
  6. Plugin GameMaster
  7. Plugin Greenieboard
  8. Plugin Mission
  9. Plugin MissionStats
  10. Plugin ModManager
  11. Plugin Punishment
  12. Plugin Scheduler
  13. Plugin ServerStats
  14. Plugin UserStats
  15. Changing Commands

General Administrative Commands

These commands can be used to administrate the bot itself.

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.reload [Plugin] all Admin Reloads one or all plugin(s) and their configurations from disk.
.upgrade   all Admin Upgrades the bot to the latest available version (git needed, see below).
.rename newname admin-channel Admin Renames a DCS server. DCSServerBot auto-detects server renaming, too.
.unregister   admin-channel Admin Unregisters the current server from this agent.
Only needed, if the very same server is going to be started on another machine connected to another agent (see “Moving a Server from one Location to Another” below).

Plugin Admin

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.update [-force] admin-channel DCS Admin Updates DCS World to the latest available version. -force can be used, if no update could be detected automatically.
.config   admin-channel DCS Admin Configure name, description, password and num max players for your server.
.password [coalition]* admin-channel DCS Admin Changes the password of a DCS server or a specific coalition* on this server.
.kick name [reason] admin-channel DCS Admin Kicks the user with the in-game name “name” from the DCS server. The “reason” will be provided to the user.
.spec name [reason] admin-channel DCS Admin Moves the user with the in-game name “name” to spectators. The “reason” will be provided to the user as a chat message.
.ban @member/ucid [days] [reason] all DCS Admin Bans a specific player either by their Discord ID or UCID for the given amount of days (optional).
.unban @member/ucid all DCS Admin Unbans a specific player either by their Discord ID or UCID.
.bans   all DCS Admin Lists the current active bans.
.download   admin-channel DCS Admin Download a dcs.log, dcsserverbot.log, bot config file or a mission into a DM, path or configured channel.
.shell   admin-channel Admin Runs a shell command on a specific node.

Plugin Cloud

Command Parameter Role Description
.resync [@member / ucid] DCS Admin Resyncs all players (or this player) with the cloud.
.cloudstats / .cstats [@member / ucid] DCS Display player cloud statistics (overall, per guild)

Plugin CreditSystem

Command Parameter Role Description
.credits   DCS Displays the players campaign credits.
.donate <@member> DCS Donate any of your campaign points to another member.

Plugin DBExporter

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.export   all Admin Exports the whole database. Table filters don’t apply!

Plugin GameMaster

Command Parameter Channel Roles Description
.chat message chat-/admin-channel DCS Send a message to the DCS in-game-chat.
.popup red/blue/all/player [timeout] message admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Send a popup to the dedicated coalition or player* in game with an optional timeout.
.flag name [value] admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Sets (or clears) a flag inside the running mission or returns the current value.
.variable name [value] admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Sets (or gets) a mission variable.
.do_script lua code admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Run specific lua code inside the running mission.
.do_script_file file admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Load a script (relative to Saved Games\DCS…) into the running mission.
.reset_coalitions   all DCS Admin Resets all user-coalition-bindings on all servers.
.campaign add [start] [stop] admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Creates a new campaign “name”, starting at “start” and ending at “stop”. start / stop should be in format YYYYMMDD or DDMMYYYY.
.campaign start admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Starts a new campaign with the provided name, if none is running.
.campaign stop admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Stops the current campaign.
.campaign delete [name] admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Deletes a campaign out of the list. If no name is provided the current campaign will be deleted.
.campaign list [-all] admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Lists all available campaigns. If “-all” is not provided (default), only campaigns from now on will be displayed.

Plugin Greenieboard

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.greenieboard rows all DCS Print the current greenieboard (per server). 10 rows is default, can be changed with the parameter.
.carrier @member / DCS name all DCS Display the last carrier landings for this user and a detailed view on selection.

Plugin Mission

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.servers   all DCS Lists all registered DCS servers and their status (same as .mission but for all). Servers will auto-register on startup.
.mission   status-/admin-channel DCS Admin Information about the active mission. Persistent display in status-channel.
.players   status-/chat-/admin-channel DCS Lists the players currently active on the server. Persistent display in status-channel.
.afk [minutes] all DCS Admin Lists players that sit on Spectators since more than [minutes] (default 10 mins).
.list / .load   admin-channel DCS Admin Select a mission to start / restart.
.add [miz-file] admin-channel DCS Admin Select a mission from the file system to be added to the mission list.
.delete / .del   admin-channel DCS Admin Delete a mission from the mission list and optional from the file system.
.restart [time in secs] [message] admin-channel DCS Admin Restarts the current mission after [time] seconds. A message will be sent as a popup to that server.
.pause   admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Pauses the current running mission.
.unpause   admin-channel DCS Admin, GameMaster Resumes the current running mission.
.briefing/.brief   all DCS Shows the description / briefing of the running mission.
.atis / .weather Airport Name all DCS Information about a specific airport in this mission (incl. weather).

Plugin MissionStats

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.missionstats   status-/chat-/admin-channel DCS Display the current mission situation for red and blue and the achievements in kills and captures.
.sorties [@member / Player Name] [period] all DCS Display the number of sorties and real flight time per module / period.
.modulestats / .modstats [@member / Player Name] [period] all DCS Display module and weapon statistics per module.
.refuelings / .refuel [@member / Player Name] [period] all DCS Display refuelings per module.

Plugin ModManager

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.packages   admin-channel Admin, DCS Admin Lists all installed packages of this server and lets you update or remove them.
.add_package   admin-channel Admin Installs a specific package.

Plugin Punishment

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.forgive <member>/<ucid> all DCS Admin Deletes all punishment points for this member / user.
.penalty [member] / [ucid] all DCS Displays the players penalty points.
.punish <member> / <ucid> <points> Admin DCS Admin Add punishment points to a user.

Plugin Scheduler

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.startup   admin-channel DCS Admin Starts a dedicated DCS server process.
.shutdown [-force] admin-channel DCS Admin Shuts the dedicated DCS server process down.
If -force is used, no player check will be executed and no onShutdown command will be run.
.start   admin-channel DCS Admin Starts a stopped DCS server.
.stop   admin-channel DCS Admin Stops a DCS server.
.status   all DCS Shows the status of all configured DCS servers.
.maintenance   admin-channel DCS Admin Sets the servers maintenance mode.
.clear   admin-channel DCS Admin Clears the maintenance state of a server.
.preset   admin-channel DCS Admin Changes the preset (date/time/weather) of a mission. Multiple selections will apply all presets at once.
.reset   admin-channel DCS Admin Calls a configurable reset command.

Plugin ServerStats

Command Parameter Role Description
.serverstats [day/week/month] [-all] Admin Displays server statistics, like usual playtime, most frequented servers and missions.
If -all is provided, you can cycle through all your servers.
.serverload [hour/day/week] [-all] Admin Displays technical server statistics, like CPU load, memory consumption, etc.
If -all is provided, you can cycle through all your server nodes.

Plugin UserStats

Command Parameter Channel Role Description
.statistics/.stats [@member / DCS name] [day/week/month/all] all DCS Display your own statistics or that of a specific member.
.statsme [day/week/month/all] all DCS Send your own statistics in a DM instead of displaying them in public.
.highscore/.hs [day/week/month/all] all DCS Shows the players with the most playtime or most kills in specific areas (CAP/CAS/SEAD/Anti-Ship)
.link @member ucid all DCS Admin Sometimes users can’t be linked automatically. That is a manual workaround.
.unlink @member / ucid all DCS Admin Unlink a member from a ucid / ucid from a user, if the automatic linking didn’t work.
.info @member / ucid / DCS name all DCS Admin Displays information about that user and let you (un)ban, kick or unlink them.
.linkcheck   all DCS Admin Checks if a DCS user could be matched to a member.
.mislinks / .mislinked   all DCS Admin Checks if a DCS user is possibly mismatched with the wrong member (might still be correct though!).
.delete_statistics [@member] all DCS, DCS Admin Deletes the users statistics. DCS Admin can delete for other users.
.reset_statistics   all Admin Resets the statistics for this server.
.linkme   all DCS Link a discord user to a DCS user (user self-service).

Changing Commands

If you want to change the name, aliases or permissions of an existing command or you want to disable it, you can do that by adding a “commands”-section to your “plugin”.json configuration file.

Example (mission.json):

  "commands": {
    "player": {
      "name": "jugadores",
      "commands": {
        "bans": {
          "roles": [
          "name": "prohibiciones",
          "description": "mostrar una lista de todas las prohibiciones en sus servidores"
        "afk": {
          "enabled": false

This changes the group name of “player” to its spanish name “jugadores”, the bans sub-command to “prohibiciones” and gives it some documentation. Only users belonging to the Admin group are allowed to run this command. The 2nd example disabled the afk sub-command at all. So nobody can see of use it anymore.